{"event":["create"],"email_to":"governor@govreeves.ms.gov, senators@senate.ms.gov, representatives@house.ms.gov, dhosemann@senate.ms.gov, pg15@house.ms.gov","cc":"","bcc":"","from":"[88] [89]","reply_to":"","email_subject":"Support HB1439 - Eliminate State Income Tax","email_message":"Please support HB1439 which seeks to eliminate the State\u2019s penalty to its citizens for being productive; more widely known as the State Income Tax. Why not eliminate the penalty for being productive and allow individuals the freedom to choose where their money is spent? \r\n\r\nThis legislation is one of the more important bills the Mississippi legislature has considered in years. Elimination of the income tax would help every citizens of our state and encourage businesses to move to Mississippi.\r\n\r\nThank you for being a part of the solution that moves Mississippi out of last place.\r\nFor Freedom,\r\n\r\n[88][89]\r\n[91]","email_attachment_id":"","conditions":{"send_stop":"send","any_all":"any"}}
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