Statement on Biden's Vaccine Mandate
November 6, 2021
Statement on Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate
On November 4, the Biden administration issued a vaccine mandate that will negatively affect businesses and employees of companies with more than 100 employees. This Un-American and unconstitutional mandate has been issued through OSHA without any input from Congress or the state legislatures.
This mandate puts unelected bureaucrats in charge of individual healthcare decisions robbing every citizen of their freedom of choice and takes the business owner's right to hire the employees she desires away. It further places government between every citizen and their doctor, replacing medical advice from a healthcare professional with the will of a government bureaucrat.
This Un-American mandate disincentivizes businesses from hiring more employees, encourages some businesses to downsize, and forces some employees out of their careers. While the current mandate applies to businesses with 100 employees or more the order indicates that further mandates will follow to include all businesses. This mandate hurts employees, businesses, and our state.
At a time when inflation is skyrocketing and businesses are struggling to find workers, we cannot afford to have additional burdens placed on our businesses or risk more hardworking employees being forced out of their jobs. Our state's long-term economic recovery relies on free-enterprise and fiscally responsible policies that encourages business growth.
An Un-American mandate that hurts taxpayers, and ultimately harms our state is not what Mississippi needs.
The Mississippi Freedom Caucus has been working to find solutions to protect employees and business owners who have been harmed by this unconstitutional mandate. We have been researching legislative solutions to actually prevent the mandate from being enforced in Mississippi. Members of the Freedom Caucus have been in constant communication with legislators from other states, legislative leaders in Mississippi and Governor Reeves' office.
We stand ready to fight against the over-reach of the federal government and are working to find solutions that protect business owners, employees and every Mississippi citizen.
We applaud Governor Reeves and Attorney General Fitch for filing a lawsuit against the Biden administration, but we do not believe the people of Mississippi should rely solely on the courts to protect their jobs or their right to make their own healthcare decisions.
We are encouraged by the recent statements made by other members of the legislature and hope they will back up their statements with legislative action in the very near future.
Our state, our nation, and many of your jobs may depend on the Mississippi legislature taking swift decisive action against these mandates.
We ask you, the citizens of Mississippi, to stay engaged, call your local legislators, the governor and all political leaders in our state and encourage them to stand and fight for the rights of our citizens and the rights of businesses to make decisions without the interference of the federal government.
The Mississippi Freedom Caucus can be found on Facebook @MSFREEDOMCAUCUS and online at
For Mississippi,