Stewarding Freedom Well
Preserving the American Constitutional Republic hinges on the fervent stewardship of Biblical precepts
by Rebecca Chaney
Preserving the American Constitutional Republic hinges on the fervent stewardship of Biblical precepts that have been founding pillars of American society and her institutions for generations. I say that right out of the proverbial gate, because while at first glance that may make readers squirm, it is nonetheless true. The life-giving precepts of our founding are profitable for all people - no force necessary. Our entire American jurisprudence is founded on the Decalogue. In this, we find life and freedom because there is freedom in the law.
A University of Houston study examined over 15,000 historical writings of our Founders, and the most cited sources for our Founding documents are compelling to note:
• 4th most cited source at 2.9% was John Locke
• 3rd most cited source at 7.9% was William Blackstone
• 2nd most cited source, at 8.3%, was Charles Montesquieu
• 1st most cited source at 34% was THE BIBLE!
Many countries have cycled through multiple forms of government. France is on her fifteenth! This unfortunate characteristic has not defined America. In Philosopher and Theologian John Locke's "Treatise of Government," a primary influence on the Declaration, he cites the Bible over 1,500 times, showing proper civil government operation. The Constitution is the carrying out of that which has been declared. They are inseparable documents. Are we giving an active defense and assertion of the unchanging principles set forth by our Founding documents? Are we breathing for them? Have we forgotten that our Constitution is based on the higher Moral Law of God that transcends elected officials and lower social compact laws? The viable path forward to restoring true freedom will depend upon the ground the true Church takes in politics. Inalienable rights are never subject to a vote. We have allowed an unconstitutional blurring of sacred jurisdictional lines. In America, we are Caesar!
The reason American Founding documents have been the most successful in all of history is because our Forefathers and our Founding Fathers flipped the false government ideology on its head. They knew that power comes from God to the people, and the people distribute it back to the government as appropriate, not the other way around. They knew that God lays out clearly how government is to operate. Exodus 18:21, Jeremiah 17:9, Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 17:6, Deuteronomy 17:15, Ezekiel 18:20, Isaiah 33:22, and Ezra 7:24 are just a few of many scriptures to show us that the Constitutional Republic is the highest form of Republicanism. We have dual citizenship as Christians; we are citizens of not only Heaven but also the earth, and we are placed in this stewardship capacity in America with a stewardship form of government that belongs to We the People. In Luke 19:13, we are told to occupy until the Lord comes, and in Genesis 2:15, God tells us to tend the garden. Individual stewardship and trust given come with sacred duty. As John Quincy Adams stated, "Sacred duty ours; results God's." The government rests on His shoulders Isaiah 9:6 affirms. This frees us to serve with peace, joy, and hope. What will you do to steward the gift of our Constitutional Republic? God is the multiplier of our efforts. Be encouraged. Day to day, simply obey. The outcome does not depend upon us!
Rebecca Chaney
Rebecca is married to Wes Chaney, and they have two children ages 10 and 8. They own GreenKeepers, LLC, and have been in the residential and commercial landscape business for 18 years.
The Chaney family have had seven years of homeschool life. Rebecca is the Restore Liberty Mississippi Director, a non-profit organization committed to restoring liberty and freedom in the way America's Founders intended. She is a Lifetime Patriot Academy Constitutional Coach and has been facilitating Constitutional and Biblical Citizenship classes in the Madison County area since the fall of 2020. She is excited to see this effort grow all over the state!
Rebecca has served in a variety of consulting capacities within the Mississippi political terrain, including the Mississippi Freedom Caucus where she is an active Steering Committee member, and the Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights organization where she serves as Chaplain.
Rebecca loves sports, leading worship, and her greatest hope is to see her children walk in truth. For practical tactical information on how to defeat the corrupt ideologies that plague our nation and to engage in a holistic approach toward self-governance and the restoration of civil liberties per our Constitution, you can reach Rebecca at