Why the Conservative Candidate Fund
Dana Criswell and Steven Utroska have both been involved in politics for years. Dana was first elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives in 2015 and served Mississippi district 6 for eight years. After making his decision to not seek a third term, Dana knew he had to figure out his next step.
Steven Utroska has been a candidate and has served on the Board of Directors for the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, Director of American’s for Prosperity - Mississippi, and as Director for the State Freedom Caucus Network. Steven is always looking a way to move Mississippi in a conservative direction.
Dana and Steven have teamed up and created the Conservative Candidate Fund. Together they hope to raise money to help every-day citizens who want to run for political office in Mississippi. Their goal is to recruit, train, and help fund these citizens as they step up and join the fight to restore the Republican Party to its conservative platform. Follow Dana on at www.DanaCriswell.com.
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